FOMAB Foundation partners with D-prize and DKT International to train health providers.

On Wednesday, the 5th of July 2023, For Mom and Baby Foundation organised a training for health providers in the Buea Health District. These providers were primarily midwives, nurses and doctors who work in the maternity of selected hospitals. The training was facilitated by one of our partners, DKT International. DKT International is a reputable organisation championing maternal, sexual and reproductive health in developing countries.

This training was primarily to update the health providers on the current guidelines governing the prevention and management of postpartum haemorrhage using misoprostol. Misoprostol is a tablet that has been shown to control post-delivery bleeding resulting from uterine atony. This drug unlike oxytocin, does not require cold temperatures to remain viable and does not come in breakable vials. Hence, this drug does not need expensive storage and transport equipment.

Our volunteers played a key role in ensuring this training was a success. They were also given an opportunity to present the organisation and our emergency kits.

The participants were enlightened by the training, gained new knowledge and by the end of the day, were ready to implement all they have learnt. We thank our funders, D-Prize for contributing financially to the success of this training. We intend to extend this training to other parts of the country so that, more health providers can deliver quality health care to women and babies. Help us extend this work.

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