We visited the CMA MUTENGENE Antenatal Care (ANC) unit.
We partnered with the CMA MUTENGENE ANC unit to provide emergency kits to pregnant women. These kits will help to ensure that mothers and babies have the essential supplies they need to safely bring forth life. Also, we educated the women on topics like sanitation during pregnancy and signs of labor.

During our visit, we were also able to learn more about the ANC attendance statistics. In Cameroon, only 65% of pregnant women go for antenatal care visits. What about the rest?
We are encouraged by the fact that more and more women are seeking prenatal care but we don’t just need more, we need ALL PREGNANT WOMEN. This is essential for ensuring the health of both mothers and babies.
We would like to thank the staff at the CMA MUTENGENE ANC unit for their dedication to providing quality care to mothers and babies.
Together, we can make a difference in the lives of mothers and babies in Cameroon.